Worker Management

On the "Woker" page, you can effectively manage the miners, "add miner grouping, create miner, delete miner, view effective miner and all miner", batch operation of miner and so on.

1.Default Group Provides group management, and users can default groups according to the classification of miner's or mining farm's location and quantity.

2.Create and Delete Miners Provide functions of creating miners and deleting miner.

3.Active,Inactive and All Active miners,miners are workings well, there is share count to submit; Inactive miners, miners are not working well, there is no share count to submit; All miners, all the miners are under this sub-account, includes active and inactive miners.

4.Batch Operation Provide batch operation functions, after choosing workers, click "Batch Operation" button, you can move these workers to the other group, delete or export workers in batch.

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