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1.How to buy AntMiners ? Please visit Bitmain official online shop to buy professional AntMiners. Web:

2.What’s the rejected rate ?Which number is normal for the rejected rate ? Reject number refers to the number of failed hashrate times submitted to AntPool due to the failure of network fluctuations. Rejected rate = number of rejects / total number = (expired number + number of repetitions + other) / (number of received + expired number + number of repetitions + other). It’s normal that the rejected rate is less than three thousandths.

3.What should I do if the hashrate is dropping? Please check: 1)If the mining equipment is working well. 2)Is the mining configuration correct ? 3)Is the Internet connection working well ?

4.What should I do if my revenue is reducing ? You should check the five points below: 1)If the mining equipment is working well. 2)Is the mining configuration correct ? 3)Is the Internet connection working well ? 4)Whether the mining difficulty is changing or not ?(if the mining difficulty is changing, which will effect the earnings.) 5)If your payment method is PPLNS, so that your earnings is related to pool blocks. When the lucky rate is high, your earnings will be high; when the lucky rate is low, so your earnings will be low.

5.What should I do if there is something wrong with the AntMiners ? Please visit to contact AntMiner after sale customer service.

6.What time will AntPool pay out everyday? AntPool will settle at 8 am every morning and pay out during 8 am to 3 pm everyday Beijing Time Zone after you set up your wallet address. The minimum payout amount of BTC/LTC/ZEC is 0.001.

7.How could I unlock my wallet address after it was locked ? What’s the intention of locking wallet address? To protect the safety of your funding and prevent hackers from stealing, you could lock your wallet address. Once you lock the wallet address, you can’t change and unlock it. If you need to unlock your wallet address with some special reasons, you need to contact the customer service and provide handheld identity card with positive photos. And please show your ownership of this account in the right way.

8.How to configure your wallet address ? Settings—Sub-account—Edit—Edit Wallet address。

9.How to configure payment menthod ? Settings—Sub-account—Edit—Choose Payment.

10.What’s the reason of the instability of AntPool network ? 1)Sometimes there will be technical adjustments. When adjust, the network will be not stable, but the adjustment can be resolved generally in 30 minutes to 2 hours. 2)There may be attacks, attacks do not only against the peer currency network, but also for the AntPool server.

11.What’s share count ? What’s network difficulty ? Share count is the hash power donated by miners to mine a new block. Network difficulty is the blocks counting difficulty of the whole network, it will adjust dynamically according to all the hash power donated by all the miners.

12.What kind of payment method in AntPool ? What’s the difference in earnings ? AntPool support PPS, PPS+, PPLNS, PPLNS+ and SOLO payment methods. There is a certain probability of mining factors, sometimes the earnings of AntPool will be lower than the average. 1)PPS method: AntPool will provide subsidies to make sure you will get 100% expected return. In other words, when your AntMiners access to AntPool, regardless of the lucky value of AntPool, your earnings will distribute directly based on the contribution of your AnMiners. 2)PPS+ method: On the basis of PPS payment method, you will receive the tansaction fee earnings. 3)PPLNS method: The earnings of miners is completely related to the actual earnings of AntPool. In other words, when your AntMiners access to AntPool, your earnings will distribute based on the past period of your average contribution to AntPool because the lucky value fluctuations AntPool. AntPool do not charge a fee, but the user bear the risk. 4)PPLNS+ method: On the basis of PPLNS, you will receive the tansaction fee earnings. 5)SOLO method: Need a lot of hash power (more than 1% of the whole network is more appropriate), ordinary users are not recommended to choose this payment method.

13.How about the lower hashrate in 5 seconds ? Will it effect my earnings ? It’s normal that the hashrate fluctuates frequently. Mining miner always has a fluctuation, the hashrate provided by miner operators is an average number, it will be ok if the daily average is up to standards.

14.What is the 24 hours earnings, account balance and total earnings ? 24 hour earnings is your current earnings from yesterday to today, because this time the user may mine Bitcoin. For example, right now is 1:00 pm, then the earnings is from yesterday 1:00 pm til now. Account balance is that AntPool has not yet paid out user’s earnings. It’s the rest unpaid earnings of user. Total earnings is all the earnings of user after their mining machine connected to AntPool.

15.Can I delete the sub-account(also called UserID) ? (After registration, there will be tips to fill in sub-account, including numbers and letters.) Sub-account is related to funds, so for security considerations, the current system of AntPool do not support to delete sub-account. We will increase this function gradually in the near future.

**16.How to switch the cryptocurrency? Please switch cryptocurrency on the top left of AntPool website.

17.How to add watchers ? Settings—Add Watcher ?

18.Do I need to create workers ? Miners can be used directly, the system will create workers automatically without manual creation.

19.How to calculate earnings ? Help—Mining Calculator, switch the coin type and type your hashrate, then you could calculate your theoretical earnings.

20.Additional question: why are there three server address for AntPool mining configurations? Why the status of 3333 server is dead ? 1)3333 server is working well, but some broadband operators have blocked the 3333 server, for instance China Unicome. 2)Only one stratum URl alive is enough within the three stratum URL of AntPool. The purpose of the three URL is to give the users another option. If there’s something wrong with the first pool, then it will switch to the second one, if there’s something wrong with the second pool, it will switch to the third one. So we recommend the first one to configure AntPool with 443 port, the second one to configure AntPool with 25 port, and the third one to configure F2POOL which will mare sure that user won’t lost earnings once the first two pools can’t be connected.

Copyright © Antpool Team all right reserved,powered by GitbookLast edit: 2020-03-05 07:59:23

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