AntProxy provides mining service locally and can be deployed at mining farm server, which can support thousands of miners access, provide stable and reliable network environment, prevents DDoS attack efficiently, keep power load stable when network is interrupt.
AntProxy Manual for Windows
1. To use this software, please first download it from “Tools” webpage in AntPool. Download link:
2. It is recommended to use windows 10 64bit to run this software.
Software Introduction
- This software is developed for big mining farm with high hash rate
- AntProxy configuration requirements: ★ for less than 10,000 miners the recommended configurations are: CPU i5 or above, more than 8G memory space, windows 10 system ★ for more than 10,000 miners the Linux version is recommended (If you need to use Linux version, please contact our customer service for assistance)
This software solves the problem of low communication efficiency between mining farm and AntPool, saves bandwidth and stabilizes the connection.
Instructions for Use
1、 Preparation: modify the system registry
1> [Press shortcut key WIN+R to open “Run” and input “regedit” to enter the registry:
2> Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters. Find the EnableConnectionRateLimiting key from the right panel, and change the value to empty.
If the EnableConnectionRateLimiting key cannot be found, right-click on the blank to create a new "string value", name it "EnableConnectionRateLimiting", and leave the value empty;
2、 Double-click the installation file to start AntProxy_Launcher.exe. Do not close the startup window that pops up. Otherwise, the agent will be closed and you will not be able to log in to the software webpage.
3、 log in to the software webpage
1> the login IP of the software is the local network IP: 3000, for example:
Enter this IP in the address bar of your browser, you can then log in without a user password.
Local LAN IP query method: [Press the shortcut key WIN+R to open the “Run”, and type ipconfig] to query;
4、 Software interface and how to add new proxy
Interface after login:
On the [AntProxy] page, click the button "+" at the right side to add a proxy address.
★ Proxy address(port): For example, if the proxy address is, 3333 is then the proxy port. you can arbitrarily select four digits from "1000-9999". If the selected port is occupied by other devices, please try to input another port number.
★ Pool: Fill in a complete pool address, like AntPool mining address:
Pool 1: 3333
Pool 2: 443
Pool 3: 25
★ Sub-account name: must be consistent with the sub-account name registered in Antpool
★ Password: Optional, composed of letters and numbers
★ Save: After the configuration is saved, the proxy address will be automatically displayed in the proxy list. You need to start the data transmission manually.
★ Save and run: save the new proxy address and start the data transmission at the same time
5、Miner Configuration
After the proxy port has been configured, you can start to set up miners. For example, if the proxy port is: Then the URL of miner backstage could be configured as in below screenshot. After the configuration is complete, click “save and run”.
6、After the miner is running normally, you could check data accordingly on AntProxy interface.
1、 Language switch (Chinese & English)
2、Hash rate data:
Remote Hashrate: Hash rate of all miners connected through proxy
Success rate: The success rate of transmission from proxy to the pool
Hash rate: Real-time hash rate submitted by miners to proxy
Hourly: Average hash rate submitted by miners to proxy in one hour
Daily: Average hash rate submitted by miners to proxy in one day
Miners: in Green (number of online miners); in White (total number of miners)
3、Data in curve
A: The worker name set for each proxy port. (must be consistent with worker name registered under AntPool sub-account). Different colors represent different proxy ports. You can check accordingly.
B: Click the icon to zoom in the curve.
C: Click the icon to see software manual.
4、Proxy list introduction
A: Proxy address: Proxy address to which the miners are connected
B: Pool: Pool Address to which the proxy is connected
C: Sub Account Name: The worker name set for the proxy
D: Hashrate: Real-time hash rate of all miners connected to this proxy port
E: Miners: Number of all miners connected to this proxy port
F: Success Rate: The success rate of transmission from proxy to the pool
G: State: “Transmitting” and “Disabled”
J: Actions: “Edit”, “Delete”, “Enable” and “Disable”.
5、Features about proxy address
Click on the corresponding proxy address, you can view all miners connected to this address with miners’ status displayed as: All/Online / Offline / Failed
Single miner curve: slide the mouse over single miner, a curve icon will appear on the right side. Click on the icon to view the curve.
Click “ANTProxy” on the top left corner to return to home page.
6、Operation options
Slide the mouse over Proxy address which needs to be configured, options will be displayed: “Edit”, “Delete“,
”Enable“ and ”Disable“.
★ Enabled: After configuring the proxy address, slide the mouse over the proxy address, enable button will be displayed (green icon), click the enable button to start data transmission to the mining pool.
★ Disabled: Slide the mouse over the running status icon (circle status), it will be displayed as disable button (red icon), click the disable button to stop proxy data transmission.
Note: A sudden termination of normal proxy data transmission will cause losses in earnings. Think twice before you operate.
★ Delete: Proxy address cannot be deleted when the proxy running state is “Transferring” or “Enable”; First click “Disable” to stop transmission, then you can go on with the delete operation.